Fabio de Mello
Please answer each question clearly and completely. Type or print in ink. Read carefully and follow all directions.UNITED NATIONSDo not Write in this Space
1. Family nameFirst nameOther namesMaiden name
MelloFábioAzevedo Drummond de
2. Date of birth3. Place of birth4. Nationality at birth5. Present nationality6. Sex
30/09/53Pelotas, RSBrazilianBrazilianMale
7. Height8. Weight9. Marital status
1.84mts91.0 kgsSingle [ ]Married [ x ]Separated [ ]Widow(er) [ ]Divorced [ ]
10. Entry into United Nations service might entail assignment and travel to any area of the world in which the United Nations might have responsibilities. Have you any disabilities which might limit your prospective field of work or you ability to engage in air travel?
YES [ ]NO [x ] If "yes", please describe.
11. Permanent address12. Present address13. Permanent telephone no
Condomínio Vivendas Campestres, F4Same55 61 8155 5634 (cel)
73090-918 Brasília - DF14. Present telephone no
Tel: 55 61 3532 8826, sfmello@uol.com.br55 61 3035 1959 (office)
15. Have you any dependants?
YES [ x ] NO [ ] If the answer is "yes", give the following information:
Soraya Dueire da Costa Mello 49wifeDaniela Magalhães Drummond de Mello31Daughter
16. Have you taken up legal permanent residence in any country other than that of your nationality? YES [ x ] NO [ ]
If answer is "yes", which country?Angola and Bolivia
17. Have you taken any legal steps towards changing your nationality? YES [ ] NO [ x ]
If answer is "yes", explain fully :
18. Are any of your relatives employed by a public international organization? YES [ ] NO [ x ]
If answer is "yes", give the following information?
NAMERelationshipName of international organization
19. What is your preferred field of work? Supply/procurement/admin
20. Would you accept employment for less than six months? YES [ ] NO [ x ]21. Have you previously submitted an application for employment with U.N.? If so, when? Currently I work at Unicef
22. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES. What is your mother tongue? Portuguese
OTHER LANGUAGESEasilyNot easilyEasilyNot easilyFluentlyNot
fluentlyEasilyNot easily
23. For clerical grades only
Indicate speed in words per minuteList any office machines or equipment you can use
Other languages
24. EDUCATION. Give full details - N.B. Please give exact name of institution and titles of degrees in original language.
Please do not translate or equate to other degrees.
A. University or equivalent
Years attended
Name , place and countryfromtoDegrees and academic distinctionsMain course of study
Universidade Católica de Pelotas, (UCPel), RS, BrazilMar/72Dec/75Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas (Economics Bachelor)Economics
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, (UFPel), RS, BrazilMar/72Dec/76Bacharel em Direito (Law Bachelor)Law
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilJan/77Dec/78Mestre em Economia (Economics Master) unfinished thesisQuantitative Economics Methods
B. Schools or other formal training or education from age 14 (e.g. high school, technical school or apprenticeship)
Years attended
Name, place and countryTypefromtoCertificates or diplomas obtained
CENDEC/IPEA – Brasilia, BrazilPost Graduation Foreign TradeJan/80Jul/80
CENDEC/IPEA – Brasilia, BrazilPost Graduation Project AnalysisAug/85Nov/85
Instituto de Idiomas Yázigi, Pelotas, RSEnglish CourseMar/68Jul/71
Pelotas Pilot SchoolThecnical courseJul/78Dec/78Private pilot, 1 engine
25. List professional societies and activities in civic, public or international affairs
26. List any significant publications you have written (Do not attach)
27. EMPLOYMENT RECORD: Starting with your present post, list in reverse order every employment you have had. Use a separate block for each post. Include also service in the armed forces and note any period during which you were not gainfully employed. If you need more space, attach additional pages of the same size.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post:
Month/YearMonth/YearStartingFinalAdmin and Procurement Specialist
Jan/89PresentUSD 20,200USD 50,852
Name of employer: UnicefType of business: UN Agency
Address of employer: SEPN 510, Bloco A, 2nd floor, Brasilia, DFName of supervisor: George Dawson
Number and kind of employees supervised by you: 3 directly and 8 as second supervisor
Reason for leaving: I currently work at Unicef
From January 89 to February 05 my duties were related to supply/ procurement only. From July 2005, in addition to the supply/procurement duties, I became responsible for part of the Unicef Admin duties as well, including contacts with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, premises, reception and transport. As responsible for procurements at Unicef I undertake all steps of the procurement, including request for quotations, request for proposals and invitation to biddings. The main items procured to our Unicef Programmes are printing, hardware, vehicles, essential drugs, cold chain, hospital equipments among others. Some items are procured through the Unicef Copenhagen Supply Division. In such cases I am responsible for the logistics, including clearance.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post:
Month/YearMonth/YearStartingFinalFinance and Control Analyst
Sept/84Jan/89USD 15,440USD 18,810
Name of employer: FINANCE MINISTRYType of business: Government
Address of employer: Esplanada dos Ministérios – Brasilia, DFName of supervisor: Juciê Cunha
Number and kind of employees
supervised by you: 0
Reason for leaving: To work at Unicef
I joined the Finance Ministry (Ministério da Fazenda) in the year of 1984 as Economist after having been approved on second place in national tender for economist. After, together with other 36 colleagues we became the first Information and Control Analysts of the Treasure Secretary of that Ministry (Analistas de Finanças e Controle da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional do Ministério da Fazenda). In the beginning of my assignment my duties were related to financial reports on Brazilian states and towns, approaching the finance situation in order to obtain loans. At the end of my period in the Ministry, my duties were to proceed with analysis on governmental projects in the areas of agriculture, electricity generation and development integrated projects, funded by BIRD, BID and KFW.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post:
Month/YearMonth/YearStartingFinalExport Services Manager
Aug/82Feb/83USD 16,660USD 16,600
Name of employer: BANCO ITAÚ S.A.Type of business: banking
Address of Employer: Rua XV de Novembro, 306 – 31 andar
01013-000 Sao Paulo - SPName of supervisor: Luis Felipe Ferlauto
Number and kind of employees
supervised by you: 2
Reason for leaving: closing of the area
At the Itau Bank I was member of the team responsible for the risk analysis in the loans services in the area of engineering.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post:
Feb/81Jul/82USD 24,828USD 24,828Foreign Trade Adviser (CITRE Programme)
Name of employer: EMBASSY OF BRAZIL – LA PAZType of business: Brazilian Embassy
Address of employer: Calle Fernando Guachalla, 382, La Paz, BoliviaName of supervisor: Roberto Pires Coutinho
Number and kind of employees
supervised by you: 1
Reason for leaving: return to Brazil, to work at Itau Bank
During all one year and half I worked at the La Paz Embassy taking care of the foreign trade area. My job was to develop actions to increase the Brazilian exports to Bolivia. Among my duties was to analyze the local market in order to find export opportunities.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post:
Aug/80Jan/81USD 26,300USD 26,300Foreign Trade Adviser (CITRE Programme)
Name of employer: EMBASSY OF BRAZIL - LUANDAType of business: Brazilian Embassy
Address of employer: Rua Almirante Coutinho, 2106, Luanda, Angola Name of supervisor: Laura Malcher
Number and kind of employees
supervised by you: 1
Reason for leaving: transfer to La Paz
The same duties performed in La Paz. In addition to that, as the city conditions were very hard, one of my tasks was to provide support to the Brazilian exporters when in the country.
In the selection process to enter at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CITRE) I was approved together with 34 colleagues. The selection process was made in 9 Brazilian capitals, with more than 6,000 candidates.
FromToSalaries per annumExact title of your post: Professor
Mar/79Dec/79USD 15,000USD 15,000
Name of employer: Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná Type of business: University
Address of employer: Av. Colombo, 3690, Maringá, PRName of supervisor: Eleutério Gomes
Number and kind of employees
supervised by you: 0
Reason for leaving: approved in recruitment process at Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I was professor in the following subjects: Microeconomics Analysis II (Production Theory) and Econometrics I
28. Have you any objections to our making inquiries of you present employer? YES [ ] NO [ x ]
29. Are you now, or have you ever been, a permanent civil servant in your government's employ? YES [ x ] NO [ ]
If answer is "yes", when? From 84 to 89 I worked to the Finance Ministry
30. REFERENCES: List three persons, not related to you, who are familiar with your character and qualifications.
Do not repeat names of supervisor listed under item 27
Oscar Bouzaoscar@ibgm.com.brFormer Unicef Operations Officer
Hermes Januzzijhermes@brturbo.com.brFinance Adviser
Ângelo Roncalli de Ramos BarrosTel: (55 27) 9981 1493 Secretário de Justiça do ES
31. State any relevant facts. Include information regarding any residence outside the country of your nationality.
See above. Residence in Angola and Bolivia
32. Have you ever been arrested, indicted, or summoned into court as a defendant in a criminal proceeding, or convicted fined or imprisoned for the violation of any law (excluding minor traffic violations)?
YES [ ]NO [ x ]
If "yes", give full particulars of each case in an attached statement.
33. I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on a Personal History form or other document requested by the United Nations renders a staff member of the United Nations liable to termination or dismissal.
DATE:Brasilia, September 2011
N.B. You will be requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original texts of references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization.